Post by aske on Jun 1, 2011 15:16:36 GMT -5
Player's Name: Ephios is mah cbox name, Sophie is my name ^^ Other Characters: Nada. Contacts: PM meeee, cbox meeee, whateverrr. Random Fact: I AM BATMAN.
Name: Aske Esben Schou Alias: Ash, Schouperman... Age: Seventeen. Birthday: 5th September. Gender: Male. Blood: Muggleborn. Sexual Preference: Bisexual. Wand: Eucalyptus, Augurey tail feather, nine inches, inflexible. Pet: n/a Special Ability: n/a
Year: Seventh. House: Hufflepuff.
Best Subject: Potions. Worst Subject: Herbology. Quidditch: Yes, Chaser. Patronus: No.
Hair: Dark brown, usually somewhere between short and medium length... though usually closer to the latter. Eyes: Blue. Height: 5'8" Weight: 140lbs
LAZY: Sadly, it is true. He even knows that he is hopelessly lazy. If there is work to be done then he will most likely be found as far away from it as he possibly can . He doesn't know why he dislikes being productive, maybe it is just the fact it takes effort to do it. He knows perfectly well that he can do things if he puts his mind to it, he just doesn't want to. What is the point? Is a phrase he uses often. Actually, the only time you may possibly find him doing something that is needed is probably when he likes the subject. So cleaning, that won't be high on the list. But drawing? That is way up near the top. Alike with charms. By looking at his grades you can easily see which subjects he likes and the others that he just can't be bothered with. He sighs at himself sometimes, he wants to be better at all of this. But to stop being lazy, God, that takes effort you know.
ARTISTIC: Aske loves art, you will be able to tell this if you see him anywhere where he is alone. Not because he usually wanders off like this, but you know that if he isn't busy trying to talk someone to death then he is probably drawing or distracted by something. No, he doesn't just think it is the drawing that makes him artistic. (he would much rather paint but damn that is hard, no, he is kidding. but he still can't paint) He thinks it is the fact that he can look around and just think wow, that is beautiful. He loves photography and it is clear why. It is just the looking at things, the texture of the walls, the patterns in the moss. The sky! he loves the sky, the many colours that it can turn, the different patterns in the clouds. He can stare at it for hours without getting remotely bored. And he wants it all, but sometimes it is so hard to capture.
FORGETFUL: Oh god, Aske is sure he has a problem with his memory. It can be really simple things, like he will ask you a question and then wander off, only to come back five minutes later and ask it again because he isn't sure if he did. That happens very frequently, either he isn't sure if he has or he had absolutely no recognition of ever asking the question in the first place. There can be things like he will forget something he is supposed to go and do, like maybe deliver something to a friend the next day. He often forgets things such as other peoples birthday, he has actually done this to his mother and brother on many occasions, sometimes years after each other. He won't forget the day, he knows it will be their birthday but the date just slips his mind. And school work, want to know about that> It isn't just plain laziness all of the time, sometimes he just... forgets.
MOODY: He can't help it! He is very sorry for anyone that has ever been near him and his mood swings, seriously sometimes he thinks he is absolutely fine and then the next thing you know the tiniest little thing will set him off. It doesn't always work this way, he can be as depressed as they get yet the next moment he will be fine, ecstatic even. It isn't all of the tine, like constantly. No, he will probably stay in one mood for a week or so, not continuously but close. But then the chances are so sudden it is hard not to notice them, though he doesn't most of the time. He guesses that it is something he got from his mother, but denies it is manic depression. He hates the thought of being classes as mentally ill, or his mother thanks. No, he says he is just incredibly moody. So watch him switch with amusement, or you know, be wary of it.
Aske can hardly remember anything exceedingly special about his childhood, his family were muggles, no prior knowledge of the magical world at all. He was born in Esbjerg, Denmark three years after his older sister, Rikke. It could be said that he was a less behaved child than his older sister... but that would be quite the understatement. He always blamed Rikke for setting the standard so high, she was a good child, the sort that would do as they were told as soon as they were told to do it. She got good grades in school and there were no problems except for minor ones, whereas Aske was always the complete opposite. He did whatever he wanted to and honestly didn’t listen to adults as much as he should have. His grades were dismal, he couldn’t see the point really.
When he was seven years old his family moved to Brighton, England to live closer to his mother’s family. England was a relatively easy place to get used to, the language barrier being almost no problem from what he had already learned in primary school. He wasn’t so pleased about the move though, leaving the friends that he had already gained in Denmark, then having to make new ones in England. His attitude somewhat reflected that, for the first couple of months he seemed quite withdrawn to what he had done before. He refused to speak to others in his new school, preferring to work alone. It was some time before he got back to normal, but it almost happened overnight with him bouncing back to his former personality. He found it much easier to get along with people, though was not looking forwards to leaving Primary school and going to the local High School, being in his sisters shadow. The good student, and what would he be? Almost nothing.
His magical ability did not show until he was nine years old, and it was hardly noticeable to anyone other than himself. It happened while he was alone, and to be honest he thought that it was rather cool when he ended up freezing a glass of water. Showing his mother didn’t help, she just said that he had clearly put it in the freezer rather than doing it himself. At the age of eleven when the Hogwarts letter arrived it was passed off as a joke, his parents would not believe in such silly things from a letter. It all became clear with a visit from the school, however. That weekend was one of the most memorable Aske had, being shown magic by a man who told him he was a professor from Hogwarts. There was no way his parents could deny that, though there was some small form of shock in their replies. Aske was happy though, it was like having super powers, being a wizard!
Hogwarts was like nothing he had ever experienced before, being sorted into Hufflepuff was not any news to him, he didn’t even know what the other houses meant even after being explained to on the train there. After a while he did find it to just be other school, it was work was it not? His two best lessons were always Potions and Charms, with his small... experiments combining parts of both of them. Which sometimes turned out explosive more often than not, but he did not mind.
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Signed: Sophie/Ephios